English Classroom



Small Talkからの導入について記録します。

Small Talk で導入

T: I like volleyball and I’m a volleyball coach. I have my volleyball shoes but it’s very old. I bought them 6 years ago. I want new shoes. I want to use them when I play volleyball. I want to buy new volleyball shoes. Anyone, do you know a good shop? I want to know a good shop. I want to go to the shop. S1, do you know a good shop? Oh, thank you! I want to go there this weekend. Now it’s your turn. Let’s talk about what you want.

S-S Interaction①


Sharing(T-S Interaction)

Interactive Teacher TalkやT-S Interactionでの正しい英文を板書して整理し比較させる。もしくは、生徒の誤った英文を板書して、誤りを発見させるなどしながら、ターゲットとなる文法事項の用法に気づかせる。

S-S Intereaction②




Sharing(T-S Interaction)

T: S2, please come to the front.

S2: I was happy to see this.(スポーツ選手を指さして)

T: Why?

S2: Because I want to be a game creator in the future.

T: Oh, you have a nice dream. Now I have another question for everyone. This tables is about popular jobs for children, right? When you were small, what did you want to be?

S-S Intereaction②


Sharing(T-S Interaction)

T: S3, when you were small, what did you want to be?

S3: I want to be a soccer player.

T: Oh, you wanted to be a professional soccer player. (リキャストで過去形への訂正フィードバック)Why?

S3: Because I liked to play soccer, but I gave up now.

T: (会話を広げて…)Thank you, S3. What did you want to be, S4?

S4: I want to...

T: I wanted...(過去形に言い直させるの訂正フィードバック)

S4: I wanted to be an idol.

T: Wow! Why did you want to be an idol?

S4: Because I liked to sing. My favorite idol was ....

T: (会話を広げて…)小学校ではwant toの表現として学習していたものを、改めてto不定詞の名詞的用法として文法説明する。f:id:merasan:20240713130507j:image