English Classroom





  • 英文を読んで、聞いてQ&A(英問英答)の力。
  • 語順を意識して英文をつくる力。


  • 結論→理由→補足→結論の流れで書くことへの慣れ。
  • 従属接続詞で複文をつくること。
  • 課題作文の中で、習ったばかりの表現や文法を使っていく姿勢。


    学年末テストでは、「自分の学校生活について外国人に伝えることができる」という目標を確認するために、 “My school”というテーマで作文を書かせました。ルールは以下の通り。

  1. センスグループごとに1点(主語はノーカウント)
  2. 接続詞•不定詞を使うとボーナス点
  3. 学校紹介だけでなく、自分の生活についても言及する




  I'm going to write about my school. My school is a great school.

  There are three reasons.

  First, I think that schoolyard is the biggest in my town. I can enjoy playing with my friends.

  Second, there are a lot of greetings in this school. We can smile because we can greet each other.

  Third, I think that this school's students are so nice. we can help each other.

  This is why my school is a great school.



  My school is very good. 

  There are three reasons.

  First, I like my school because my close friends are there. They are always funny and kind. So I like them very much.

  Second, I like the club activities. I am a member of the badminton club. I think badminton is a very exciting sport. Playing in doubles is more fun than in singles.

  Third, my favorite subject is social studies. When I was a child, I read the books of Japanese history. They are very interesting and worth reading. That made me want to study history.

  This is why my school is very good.

